Professional firms JUST LIKE YOURS are flourishing after switching to the subscription pricing model. Join them and be more successful than you previously imagined.


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Whether your firm is thinking about subscription pricing or has fully implemented it, we have a Time’s Up! club plan for you that will provide an unprecedented level of access to knowledge.

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Meet The Authors

Paul Dunn

For those in the accounting industry, Paul needs little, or no, introduction. Working with accountants for over 30 years and often referred to as the godfather of modern accounting, Paul was the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for services to the accounting profession at the Accounting Excellence Awards.

Ron Baker

As a frequent speaker, writer, and educator, Ron’s work takes him around the world. He has been an instructor with the California CPA Education Foundation since 1995 and has authored over twenty courses for them, including: You Are What You Charge For: Success in Today’s Emerging Experience Economy (with Daniel Morris); Alternatives to the Federal Income Tax; Trashing the Timesheet: A Declaration of Independence; Everyday Economics; Everyday Ethics: Doing Well by Doing Good; and The Best Business Books You Should Read.

If you have been thinking about improving your business then the Time’s Up! club is THE PLACE for you to seek knowledge about how others are managing the transition to a subscription business model. There is simply no better collection of amazing individuals — including firm owners and practitioners — guided by the BEST experts in the industry.